Water cremation: environmentally friendly cremation

Water cremation is fast becoming known as ‘environmentally friendly’ cremation or a ‘greener’ alternative to traditional cremation.

Here, we explain the issues with traditional cremation and outline the benefits of water cremation for the environment.

On going cremation with big fire

Traditional cremation

Traditional cremation uses a process that exposes a body to open flames, intense heat and evaporation to reduce it to its essential elements. Fuelled by oil, natural gas and propane, the traditional cremation of an average-sized dog releases approximately 45kg of CO2 into the atmosphere, along with other harmful emissions.

Traditional cremation involves a combustion process whereby a casket and remains are incinerated at a high temperature in a closed chamber. Normally fuelled by gas, traditional cremation produces dangerous emissions, which include carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and volatile organic compounds (VOC).

Organic pollutants can also be released during this process, which can include polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) amongst others.

Paw prints on the beach with sunset

A ‘greener’ alternative

According to National Geographic, water cremation leaves about a tenth of the carbon footprint of traditional cremation and releases zero emissions from the body itself, which would occur from a standard burial.

This is because the water cremation process reduces remains to a quantity of liquid and porous bone fragments. The liquid is then treated to become sterile wastewater, which can be disposed of, recycled, or used as fertiliser because of its nutrient-rich content.

The energy required for the water cremation process is also drastically reduced, using 85% less energy than traditional cremation.

With thousands of animals cremated annually in Australia, our water cremation systems provide an alternative that significantly reduces the environmental impact. Our specialist systems also reduce the time and cost associated with traditional methods, offering a more affordable and effective solution.

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