Simplifying pet cremation


The surge in pet ownership in Australia has placed pet businesses, including veterinary services, in new territory not experienced since the pandemic. It is estimated that 69% of Australian households now own a pet, with dogs and cats topping the list by some margin. In 2022, the pet industry was valued at $13B, and with volume comes demand that can push the industry forward.

With the growth, the industry is not immune to the sustainability and carbon-friendly spotlight. Many pet food manufacturers are investing significantly in alternative and carbon-neutral technologies to power production. With the scale of the industry, all services must look to eco-friendly solutions to make a positive environmental contribution.

End-of-life care providers have a unique opportunity to prepare their businesses for the future by switching gears from traditional, high-carbon flame cremation to sustainable, eco-friendly water cremation practices that simplify pet cremation for favourable, cost-effective results.

User friendly design

A move toward water cremation is simplified by its intuitive design and straightforward operation. These systems are engineered to be user-friendly, ensuring businesses can easily integrate them into their operations. Unlike traditional methods that may require extensive training and expertise, water cremation systems are designed with simplicity in mind.

The operation of a water cremation system is remarkably straightforward.

  • The pet’s remains are placed in a specially designed chamber filled with water and alkali.
  • The system is activated, and the solution is heated and circulated, gently breaking down the remains over several hours.
  • After the process, the solution is drained, leaving only the mineral deposits of the pet’s bones, which are dried and returned to the pet owner in a dignified manner.

This process ensures a respectful and gentle handling of the pet’s remains and significantly reduces environmental impact compared to traditional methods.

Minimal training and reduced maintenance

Veterinarian Listening To Dog's Heart

Water cremation or aquamation requires minimal training or staffing. Due to the automated and user-friendly design, the system can be operated efficiently with only a basic level of training. The system’s simplicity ensures that staff members can quickly become proficient in its operation, reducing downtime and increasing productivity.

Thanks to their durable design, maintaining a water cremation system is straightforward. Routine maintenance typically involves regular checks and simple cleaning procedures to ensure the system operates smoothly and efficiently. These systems are built to last, providing long-term reliability and consistent performance. This durability ensures businesses can offer continuous, high-quality cremation services without frequent repairs or replacements.

Integrating a water cremation system into your pet care services can significantly enhance your offering. Water cremation provides a compassionate, eco-friendly, and efficient cremation solution. Pet care providers can meet the growing demand for sustainable cremation options while simplifying operational processes. The alternative to flame-based cremation opens new market opportunities for existing pet service operators or individuals seeking a new business opportunity with marketability and demand during volatile financial times.

For businesses contemplating adding pet cremation services, water cremation systems offer a seamless and efficient solution that aligns with the evolving needs of pet owners and the industry.

Begin your journey with us

Innovation is at the core of Water Cremation Systems. Our founder, Matthew Brown, is a true innovator, engineer, and entrepreneur with decades of engineering expertise.

His sincere desire to make positive change and his passion for problem-solving have allowed him to identify an opportunity for a ‘greener’ alternative to traditional cremation in the Australian market.

Water Cremation Systems is an Australian company based in Tasmania and has extensive experience with on-shore and off-shore customers. If you’re interested in becoming a provider of water cremation services, why not start the conversation with a member of our team?

Contact us for more information about our technology, service offerings, and our network of industry professionals.

We're just a phone call away. Contact us to discuss your water cremation needs.

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